
This endpoint returns a list of the types currently supported by the API.

Supported types

The API currently supports 13 types of learning objects as follows:

TypeExample of providers


YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo


edX, Coursera, OpenClassrooms, Linkedin Learning


ApplePodcasts, SoundCloud


App Store, Google Play Store


Wikipedia, Medium


Amazon books, Google books


Apple Books, Google books

career profile

ONISEP, Oriane, Pôle Emploi

distance learning

MIT, Stanford, MonCompteFormation


MonCompteFormation, Pôle Emploi

safety sheet



WikiHow, Instructables


Code Academy, Apprendre TV5 Monde

We are in the process of indexing additional types of learning objects such as exercise, XR/VR/AR, scientific articles, reports, etc. When available, these types will be added to the supported list.

You can access to the list of supported types using the /type endpoint as described below.


GET https://learning-objects-v2.p.rapidapi.com/type


This endpoint does not require any API key authentication in the header.

Query Parameters

This endpoint does not require any query parameter.

Code examples

See here for Rapid API codes examples.

See below for Direct customer access:

curl "https://api.inokufu.com/learningobject/v2/type"


Response parameters



Name of the type of LO to be used in the /search endpoint to filter LO with the type parameter


Short description of this type

Response example

Here is an example of the JSON structured response provided by this endpoint.

        "type": "app",
        "description": "Educational apps or apps that may be useful for learning a new skill or job, from providers such as App Store, Google Play Store, etc."
        "type": "article",
        "description": "Articles that may be useful for learning a new skill or job from providers such as Wikipedia, Medium, etc. "
        "type": "book",
        "description": "Textbooks and other educational books from providers such as Amazon books, Google books, etc. "
        "type": "career profile",
        "description": " Career profiles in various form from providers such as ONISEP, Oriane, Pôle Emploi, Fichemetier.fr, etc…"
        "type": "distance learning",
        "description": " Remote trainings or degrees from providers such as MIT, Stanford, MonCompteFormation, etc."
        "type": "ebook",
        "description": "Electronic textbooks and other educational ebooks from providers such as Apple Books, Google books, etc"
        "type": "mooc",
        "description": "Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) from providers such as edX, Coursera, OpenClassrooms, Linkedin Learning, etc."
        "type": "podcast",
        "description": "Educational audio files from providers such as Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud, etc."
        "type": "safety sheet",
        "description": "Safety data sheets from providers such as OSHA, INRS, etc."
        "type": "serious game",
        "description": "Educational games from providers such as Google play store, App store, etc."
        "type": "training",
        "description": "In-person trainings or degrees from providers such as MonCompteFormation, Pôle Emploi, etc. "
        "type": "tutorial",
        "description": "Tutorials and others step by step instructions from providers such à WikiHow, Instructables, etc."
        "type": "video",
        "description": "Educational videos from providers such as YouTube, Nebula, Vimeo, etc."
        "type": "website",
        "description": "Websites that gather content on a specific topic, from providers such as, etc"

Last updated